Everyone gets involved. Since everyone wants to take part, it’s also fun.
Waste accumulated over decades – definitely no easy task.
Children fill empty plastic bottles with soft plastic waste. These will later be used as eco bricks for constructing urban furnishings within the community
A girl helps free the shoreline from waste to make space for later urban greening.
Waste is separated into hard and soft plastic with the aid of a sieve
Children clean the area from the waste which was brought in by residents to protect houses from flooding. The large amount of rubbish means that children often have a hard time finding public spaces to play in.
Women and young people work together to put waste into bags.
After waste has been collected, children help carrying it away.
Waste is taken to the separation and recycling centre.
The separated waste is transported outside the community for recycling.
Zero Waste Action Day two: The lakes also have to be cleaned.
….this also requires some hard work.
Bene Baraque lake Cheikh Anta Diop after cleaning.
Participants in the cleaning action receive t-shirts as thank-you.
The zero waste world-cup champions!