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Infrastructure axis: Pipes for water evacuation and sewerage

by | Aug 6, 2014

During the pilot action days the project partners worked together with companies from the area and workers from the community to install water evacuation and sanitation systems along one of the main axes of the quartier. Their efforts delivered a major success: in spite of heavy rains this August, this year the market in the street was not flooded! The infrastructure axis was selected by the population of Bene Baraque and the experts from the partner organisations during a participatory planning workshop in April, because upgrading this street would have the highest possible impact on the quartier. In the past when the street was flooded it affected not only the many people living on the street, but also the people who work along the street and in the market, as well as the people for whom the street is the only access road to the area they live.

Infrastructure axis – Excavation

A ditch for the rainwater evacuation system was dug along the main axis of Bene Baraque, which is lined by market stands.
Excavating along a narrow street while daily life continues – a logistical challenge.
Stéphan Senghor, CEO of project partner Groupe Senghor, discusses solutions with partners and construction workers from Bene Baraque.
Construction workers dig further drainage ditches at street level.
Pipes for stormwater evacuation and the simplified sewer system are being laid.
Pipes being covered with soil, ready to be compressed and paved.
The street is being paved.